
The Secret Sauce of Production-Ready Apps

The pillars of a production-ready application are:

  1. Reliability
  2. Performance
  3. Security

Production-ready applications require careful consideration of multiple factors to ensure they're reliable, performant, and secure. Let's explore the key aspects that make an application production-ready.

We need to make sure that the best practices and guidelines for building production-ready applications are followed. It has been tested to handle a large number of requests per second.

Next.js Production Checklist

Below you'll find a comprehensive checklist specifically for Next.js applications, covering important aspects from UI and accessibility to deployment considerations.

Next.js Production Checklist

Essential checklist for a production-ready Next.js application


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Additional Resources

For more detailed information, check out these official guides:

The Course has launched in Early Access! 🎉

The Modern Full Stack Next.js Course has launched in Early Access with over 50% off!